by Brian Linné
In the new member class a few
years ago, I distinctly remember the
facilitator conveying that one of the
highly recommended and best ways to
become further engaged at Bethlehem,
and to plant deep roots, was to
participate in at least one small group
or activity. It was further stated that
Bethlehem is very member-driven. If
something was not being done that
inspired or could fill a perceived gap,
we were encouraged to start and lead
the events, whether on a one time
or ongoing basis. I have been, and
continue to be, impressed by this.
Here are a few recent member-driven
• The What’s Left: Lives Touched by
Suicide exhibit was discovered
and arrangements were made to
bring it to the Minneapolis and
Minnetonka campuses. Two well
attended community discussions
were conducted to help achieve
the goal of breaking the stigma
frequently associated with suicide
• The new Young Adult Ministry is
thriving with a regularly scheduled
Wednesday night gathering,
and the number of participants
growing. A young adult retreat
took place in northern Minnesota.
A number of young adults plan
to accompany youth in July when
they travel to the San Diego, CA /
Tijuana, Mexico border.
In partnership with Lutheran
Social Services, informational
sessions have been held, many
members engaged and the church
is in the process of sponsoring
at l east one refugee family in the
Twin Cities.
We are blessed by these and other
initiatives. I encourage you to get
further involved or start something
new. Our community is better for it.
by Pastor Bob Wertz, Pastor of Stewardship and Planned Giving
Opening New Doors, our three-year mission appeal,
has officially launched! Here are three ways to
support the effort:
• Pray about what God is asking of you as you
consider your own gift to the appeal.
• To more fully prepare to make a gift, read the
book—Your New Money Mindset—complimentary
copies available at both campuses, and go
online to join a small group book study
• For those who are ready to give joyfully and generously to the appeal, we ask
that you fill out and return your personal pledge cards in worship on Sunday,
May 14.
Appeal co-chair Melissa Steen shares a personal word about the appeal:
Now that the consolidation of Minneapolis and Minnetonka is complete, it’s time for
Bethlehem Lutheran Church of the Twin Cities to look forward and ask “What’s next?”
We’re excited to tell you that our three-year, $3 million mission appeal, “Opening New
Doors” will address that question. We’ve hired building experts who are surveying
both locations and making recommendations to ensure that our buildings are
structurally sound long into the future. We are also looking at how to create
welcoming and safe interior spaces that will attract new members into our community
of faith. It is exciting to plan for the future of our church, reaching out into our
communities and welcoming others into our family of faith. It’s not all about us, after
all. It’s about those not yet here, who we don’t even know. It’s about reaching out to
others and inviting them in–opening new doors. And in order to do that, we need to
pay it forward and create that opportunity as someone else did for us in the past. We
invite you to join us in giving and in preparing the way for future generations.
Q&A -
Opening New Doors
Q: Why is Bethlehem conducting a three-year appeal?
A: The Minneapolis campus of Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities has for
many years used a succession of three-year appeals to pay for critical building
additions, renovations, debt reduction, new congregation start-ups, additional
staffing, and outreach ministries through giving above and beyond the annual
budget. Members who desire to provide resources for the entire ministry of the
church see fit to support both the annual operating fund and mission (formerly
“capital”) campaigns. With the consolidation of both campuses, Bethlehem
will continue to rely on this two-pronged method to fund the entirety of our
Q: What is the goal of the three-year appeal?
A: $3 million and 100% participation among Bethlehem Twin Cities members.
Q: Why was the theme “Opening New Doors” chosen?
A: This appeal is less for the benefit of our current members than it is designed
to open new doors to people who are currently unfamiliar with Bethlehem, along
with all the grace and blessings of Jesus Christ that accompany it. We believe
that any and all work done on our facilities is intended first and foremost to
welcome the stranger and provide a hospitable environment to those who find
their way to our doors.
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