Bethlehem Connect May 2017 | Page 2

ON THE COVER: Walking Into God's Future... by Pastor Christopher Nelson Unless Someone Guides Us One of the things I value most about our Easter life is its focus on the future: when Jesus was crucified, it looked to all the world that he, and the small movement he had begun, had no future. And yet, even from the cross, Jesus cried, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!" That is, my future will be safe with you. It is so easy to get stuck in the past (we've always done it that way before), but we are offered forgiveness for our past, for whatever we have done, or not done. Why would we hold on to it, or keep living in it, either as individuals or as a community? It is just as easy to get locked into the present: our lives are busy and over- programmed. It's much easier to live from day to day than it is to plan for the future. I wonder if that's why so many baby-boomers are facing retirement without having saved enough. And yet, in Jesus' Resurrection, we are offered his presence in our daily lives. If we let him, that can be all we need to engage fully in the present, even as we look to the future he offers. His promise is to walk with us daily. His presence sustains us, and offers the margin we all need to move forward into his future. And because it is Jesus' future, we can move confidently, entrusting our future to his. This allows us to take risks and shape plans. Even though our plans can and often do change, we can trust that Jesus will not abandon us, and will walk with us, sometimes in ways we hadn't anticipated. This is how we have lived as a congregation for more than a century: trusting in and walking into God's future for us, as we bear witness to Jesus' presence in our lives and in our communities. Frankly, this is one of the reasons why we engage in capital campaigns every three years: to enhance our Because it is Jesus' ministries, invite and receive new people, in short, as future, we can we live out our vision "to connect people with God, each move confidently, other and their ministry in the world. We look forward, as we celebrate our past, and live our daily lives. entrusting our Do you know what’s next? Because the way forward isn’t clear. In politics. In relationships. In faith. We are living through turbulent times and things are never as obvious as we wish them to be. At times it can be hard to put one foot in front of the other. But we’re not alone in this. God has sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, to lead us, to be Jesus’ presence with us. It might seem like there’s no way forward, that is, unless someone guides us. April 30: Acts 6:1—7:2a, 44-60 Stephen and the Early Church May 7: Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch May 14: Acts 10:1-17, 34-35 Peter and Cornelius May 21: Acts 15:1-18 Jerusalem Council May 28: Acts 17:16-34 Paul on Mars Hill June 4: Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost future to his. In this issue of CONNECT, you will see an extensive list of Q&A's for our newest campaign. Please read it carefully. Feel free to ask questions of your own. I am excited about the possibilities we have in front of us, as we welcome Pastor Meta Carlson to our team, support our key mission partners, and tend to the mortgage (an investment in the future) that will allow us to shape our facilities for the future in ways that will outlast all of us. As always, thank you for your partnership in the Good News. And thank you for your continuing prayers and support, as I continue my unplanned journey into God's future. I feel those prayers in ways I never thought possible. And strength is returning gradually, as I receive good reports from my awesome medical team. The cancer is retreating, and I (and we) will move forward! Easter blessings! Next CONNECT deadline: May 10, 2017 [email protected] CONNECT newsletter online 2