Bermuda Bliss Magazine Special Issue: January. 2015 | Page 18

What did your family do to encourage you?

My family really supported me by encouraging me to keep at it and making huge sacrifices for me to be able to follow my dream. I'm extremely blessed. My dad used to tell me I was his favourite singer. That mean't a lot to me. 

Who else in your family sings? 

My mom has a beautiful voice and my grandmother as well. They had their own fan base back in the day. I try to get my mom and grandmother to sing with me or for me but they don't. 

I understand you are currently in the UK.  What can we expect of your time there?  Are you going to do any sightseeing, if so what are you most excited about?

I left London in December right after I finished the "Joy in the Morning" play with Robin Givens. There are so many things I'm excited to do in the UK. Unfortunately I have to hit the ground running rehearsing with my band when I get there but as soon as I get a chance I'm going to hop on a tour guide bus. :) 

What are some specific influences from Bermuda that have helped and/or encouraged you thus far?


My church family was a big part of my growth. As I said before they were and are so supportive of me. They are like family. A lot of people in the music community really helped me, to start naming names would get me in trouble. The Chewstick Foundation really gave me a platform as well. I'm eternally grateful for everyone who has been and is still part of my journey.

 Do you play any instruments?

I tinker in the piano and guitar but I wouldn't say I actually play an instrument. I think their are too many amazing musicians to claim that. 

If you could dabble in another genre of music, what would it be?


I'd love to go to Nashville to write some country music. I think that would be an awesome challenge.         

What genre of music can't you stand to listen to?

It's not that I can't stand it, I just don't relate to heavy metal rock music as of yet. But I'm young who knows how my taste will change. 

Do you enjoy writing music and/or lyrics?

Yes I love it. It's therapeutic.

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to get into the music industry or put out their own music?

I would say believe in yourself. Surround yourself with people who know what they are doing and believe in you. Study your craft diligently and be yourself.  

How do you use social media to promote your music? 

I'm not as diligent with it as I should be :). I always forget to document the moment. But I do have Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.

What can we expect in the coming months?  Anything you would like to share now?

I want to release some music at the top of the year but some things have changed recently so we will see what happens.

If you could describe your fashion style in five words, what would they be? 

 I'm not the most fashionable girl. I like to look girly but comfortable.      

What hidden talents do you have?


I can build go-carts (the wooden kind) and I can do a mean Dexter's Laboratory accent, you know the cartoon, ha!

For more information on Canjelae and her tour, visit or follow on Twitter: @Canjelae and Facebook: /Canji.Taylor