Bermuda Bliss Magazine Special Issue: January. 2015 | Page 17


The multi-talented actress, singer, and songwriter, Canjelae Taylor plans to “hit the ground running” as she embarks on a new ear in the UK.

She answered a few questions for us here at Bermuda Bliss where she shared her love for family and music. Let’s hear what this humbled singer and songwriter had to say.

I know what it is like to sing in front of a congregation myself. What were your favourite songs to sing in church? Do you think this helped with being comfortable on stage?

I used to sing songs like "Joyful Joyful" and "Amazing Grace" and a song called "We Are His Hands" at every church service. I loved those songs. The congregation was always so kind and supportive. My family and church family always encouraged me. I think that has helped me become very comfortable on stage. Although I still get really nervous. 

What singers have inspired you the most in your career so far? How so?

Growing up I use to pretend that Whitney, Mariah, Celine, Beyoncé, Sade, and Aaliyah were my musical family. In particular I used to like to pretend that Whitney was my long lost aunt. I told no one this of course. I tried to copy each of them. On my Saturday nights, I spent time listening to them and trying to choreograph dances in my living room. 

" I'd like to be remembered as someone who made music and told stories that people could feel to the core. As someone that young girls can look up to. I just want to leave things a little better then I found it".

" I'd like to thank my family! And Bermuda! I wouldn't be where I am without you guys. I will always love home for the support and the opportunities".

By: Lorissa Graeber