Bermuda Bliss Magazine Fall Issue 2015 | Page 35

Transitioning from Summer to Fall may call for some extra tissues.

According to an article in TIME, simply drinking a cup of tea can relieve your nasal passages. “Holding your face over a hot cup of tea may open your nasal passages, but the steam isn’t the only thing that’s beneficial"..

“The menthol in peppermint tea, for instance, seems to work as a decongestant and expectorant, meaning it can break up mucus and help clear it out of your nose and throat.”

The key to decreasing your outdoor allergies also lies within your indoor life. According to WebMD, be sure to consistently ventilate your house or apartment, and keep it at a cool, humid temperature. Sanitize your living quarters as well.

If you have children or you are currently in school, you are exposing yourself to a large amount of outside germs. Though those germs are technically not to blame for allergies, their effects can feel just like them. Wash your hands at every opportunity, and resist sharing food with friends. Your will want your immune system to be in peak condition when it is time to face the summer-fall allergy season.

Though allergy season may be just around the corner, there is no need to put your life on pause because of it. As a final check list for the upcoming fall, make sure to...

■ Look up the common allergens in your area, and know what they look like

■ Keep a journal of when, where, and what could potentially be making you feel worse, and attempt adjusting your schedule around these findings.

■ Be conscious of how severe your allergies are. If they are prohibiting you from completing your daily errands and activities or become unbearable, it’s time to see a doctor.

■ Go natural and try home remedies, before giving in the common medications. Make sure you are practicing hygienic habits, ventilating your house, eating well, and maybe investing in some tea or a Neti pot.

Try these tips, and discover some of your own! Don’t let the autumn allergies bring you down.

Be conscious, be healthy, and be aware; you will surely be able to breathe easy this transitional season