Bermuda Bliss Magazine Fall Issue 2015 | Page 31

run up, jumped up? Chairs for tricep dips or step ups? Open floor space for lunges and squats?

Our homes have potential for success. Our surroundings can be used to aid our workouts. Be creative.

3) Invest in at home exercise tapes

If you feel more motivated by another voice or even need help with the actual workout regime, exercise tapes can be a great investment.

Tapes can be a great tool because you can then use what you’ve learned to put together your own program.

Consider these standard and well known body weight exercises to construct your own, personalised at home workout.


Squats (sumo squats, jump squats)

Lunges (Step lunges, walking lunges, jump lunges)

Burpees (with or without a pushup)


Step ups


Push ups

Planks (forearm or palm)

Forearm plank to push up


Tricep dips


V sit ups

Toe touches

Russian Twists



Simply choose the exercises and decide how many repetitions you know you can handle and then how many sets (e.g. 30 reps, 3 sets).

Decide if you will perform a circuit with the desired exercises or if you will complete all reps and sets of a single exercise before moving on.

Improving your health and fitness is vital and can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Whether at home, at a gym, park or track you can become successful.

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try!

Improving your health and fitness is vital and can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.