Bermuda Bliss Magazine Fall Issue 2015 | Page 30

Bermuda Bliss/ ISSUE 07

Let’s talk home workout. The benefits alone of an at home workout is beneficial. Imagine waking up, turning on music and jumping immediately into a workout. Time is saved on the gym commute, and you even save money on gym membership and/or personal training fees.

Don’t be discouraged by the “gym rat” syndrome; feeling obligated to join a gym to get fit and healthy. If you are interested in improving your fitness consider these few tips for at home workouts and you will see some very successful results.

1) Set up a schedule

It’s vital - if you are to be successful with improving your fitness that you set up a workout schedule (e.g. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6am) Start of slow but make sure you are growing.

Schedule your workout outside of family activity and even family members being away from home. This will avoid you becoming distracted by their movements, requests or even children climbing all over you as they love to do whilst planking or doing sit ups.

2) Set the scene

If you expect to be motivated at home set the scene as if you were in a gym. Wear the correct attire, turn on music.

3) Utilize your surroundings

Scan your house and make note of what can be used during your workout. Do you have stairs that can be

No Gym? No problem.

By: Andrea "DRE' Jackson