Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 66

Flowers Superintendent : Renee Ferguson 972-977-9122 & Debbie Farnam 816-820-0158 Must enter online at https :// bentonar . fairwire . com by 5pm Sept . 20 Items entered at drop off will be assessed a $ 2 fee
General Rules – Open and Youth : Entries will be accepted on Saturday , September 21 from 10am-2pm . 1 . Judging on Sunday 2 . Entries and ribbons must be picked up Sunday , Sept . 29 1pm-3pm Superintendent may make decisions to remove any exhibits before that time if they become unacceptable for viewing . 3 . Cut specimens will be discarded . 4 . Containers for all cut specimens , unless otherwise noted in division rules , will be furnished by the Benton County Master Gardeners . 5 . No silk or other artificial plant materials may be used in any entry . 6 . Vases or containers of value should not be used in any entry . The flower booth may be unattended at times , Benton County Master Gardeners will not be responsible for lost or broken items .
7 . The top award will be given to the exhibitor with the greatest number of blue ribbons and entered in more than one division . ( red ribbons will be counted in case of a ties ) 8 . All Plant material must be clean , no dead foliage , insect free and disease free . 9 . All containers should be clean and neat in appearance . 10 . Judging of all entries for awards will be determined by the individual entries ’ merit . 11 . Judges are chosen from other counties . 12 . All exhibitors must be amateurs . 13 . All Division / Classification available for Adult or Junior ( up to 19 ) exhibitors . 14 . Elephant ears ( Colocasia esculenta ) will not be accepted . Wilt quickly once cut .
Placing Points for Herbs , Flowers & Potted Plants Blue- 1.5 pts Red- 1 pt . White- . 5 pt . Hi Point Youth and Adult $ 25 and Medallion
Culinary Herbs Special Award Sponsored by Benton County Master Gardeners Grand Champion Youth and Adult $ 50 Reserve Grand Champion Youth and Adult $ 25
Rules : 1 . Entries must have been grown by the exhibitor and be either a culinary or aromatic herb . 2 . Entries may be live plants or cut specimens . 3 . Single plants are to be in 4 ” to 6 ” pots . Potted collections may vary in size but not exceed 12 ” diameter . 4 . Exhibitors are limited to one ( 1 ) entry in each class or subdivision . 5 . All herbs are to be judged for cultural perfection . 6 . Herbs are to be identified by name and class .
Culinary Herb Classes Basil 1 . Globe 2 . Purple Ruffle 3 . Other
Mint 4 . Spearmint 5 . Peppermint 6 . Other
Oregano 7 . Greek 8 . Other
Parsley 9 . French Curly 10 . Italian 11 . Other
Tarragon 12 . French 13 . Other
Misc 14 . Chives 15 . Lemon Balm 16 . Rosemary 17 . Sage 18 . Scented Geranium 19 . Thyme 20 . Other Single Culinary Herbs or Aromatic
Herb such as Lavender 21 . Collection of Herbs grown in one container
2024 Benton County Fair 66 120 Years - 1904-2024