Benton County Fair Catalog 2024 | Page 37

4-H Members and Any Other Youth Ages 9-19
FOOD PRESERVATION DIVISION Superintendent : Jennifer Taylor
Special Awards : High Point Individual Award sponsored by Reliable Drywall $ 25 gift card sponsored by Benton County Farm Bureau Women ’ s Committee
Entries are only accepted on Saturday , September 21st 10:00-2:00 Entries must be picked up on Sunday , September 29th 1:00 – 3:00 p . m .
Rules : 1 . NO QUART JARS 2 . Pints only - standard Kerr , Ball , Mason , etc . 3 . ½ pint jars are allowed for peppers and jellies 4 . Jars must be clean , sealed , with new ring on lid- NO RUST ON LIDS 5 . All Foods must be processed within the last 12 months – at least 1 week before fair 6 . Exhibits are required to be labeled with date and method of food preservation 7 . Food coloring in product is not allowed 8 . The following will not be judged : canned squash , ( summer , zucchini , spaghetti ), pureed or mashed pumpkin , sweet potatoes or potatoes . 9 . Allowed : Pickled summer squash or zucchini , cubed winter squash , potatoes , and pumpkin . 10 . Dried foods should be exhibited in standard pint or ½ pint canning jars with lid and rings , jars should not be sealed .
USDA guidelines are recommended and will be followed during Judging
Section 1- Fruits ( ½ inch head space ) CLASS 1 . Apple 2 . Applesauce 3 . Blackberries 4 . Blueberries 5 . Boysenberries or Youngberries 6 . Gooseberries 7 . Huckleberries 8 . Raspberries 9 . Cherries 10 . Grape Juice 11 . Peaches 12 . Pears 13 . Plums 14 . Tomatoes ( whole or halved ) 15 . Tomatoes ( crushed ) 16 . Tomato Juice 17 . Other
Section 2 - Pickles and Relish ( ½ inch head space ) 18 . Beets 19 . Bread and Butter 20 . Cucumber ( Sour ) 21 . Cucumber ( Sweet )
120 Years - 1904-2024
22 . Dill 23 . Green Tomato 24 . Mixed 25 . Okra 26 . Squash 27 . Peach 28 . Watermelon 29 . Pepper ( any variety ) 30 . Relish 31 Tomato Relish 32 . Corn Relish 33 . Tomato Catchup 34 . Specialty Products 35 . Other
Section 3 – Sauces 36 . Tomato Sauce 37 . Chili Sauce 38 . Hot Sauce 39 . Sweet Sauce 40 . Salsa 41 . Specialty Products 42 . Other
Section 4 - Butters ( ¼ inch head space ) 43 . Apple 44 . Peach 45 . Plum 46 . Other
37 2024 Benton County Fair