Benjamin Franklin Science Corner Report: March-August 2016 Benjamin Franklin Science Corner | Page 10
ModelĀ UnitedĀ Nations
Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations Conferences. It is an educational mean to underline the importance
of diplomacy and international relations in which the students can practice public speaking, debating and critical thinking.
The Participants, known as delegates, are placed in committees and are assigned countries. It is their duty to represent their
country's opinion on the chosen topic. To do so, they must conduct research and formulate position papers to present their
nations goal in the debate. Furthermore the delegates have to find alliances with other delegates to draft a resolution paper on
which will be voted upon in front of the assembly.
Therefore the Model United Nations is a educational simulation on current international topics. The topic the Benjamin
Franklin Science Corner choosed was Climate Change in commemoration of Earth Day and the Paris Agreement.