Benham Publishing Businesss Magazines February 2014 | Page 6
Tempted to try trucking?
It seems so easy, buy or hire a goods vehicle and start delivering to your
customers. You have control of when your products are delivered and more control
over costs. Yet each year, many a business finds that it has fallen foul of the rules.
If you are going to use a vehicle with a gross
vehicle weight over 3.5 tonnes then it needs to be
operated under the regulatory regime supervised
by the Traffic Commissioners. Subject to a few
exceptions, if it is being used for hire or reward or
in connection with a business then you need an
operator’s licence. Use a vehicle without authority,
then not only could you be convicted of an
offence and fined up to £5000 but also risk losing
the vehicle. You need to make an application
under the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators)
Act 1995 for an operator’s licence before you
start operating.
Operating the vehicles safely
You have to show that you have satisfactory
arrangements for maintaining the vehicles in a fit
and serviceable condition, for complying with
either domestic or EU drivers’ hours rules and
ensuring that vehicles are not overloaded.
Show us the money?
To transport your own goods you will have to
show access to £3100 for the first vehicle and
£1700 for each subsequent vehicle. It is a
continuing obligation and consists of having
available sufficient financial resources to ensure
the establishment and proper administration of the
business carried on or proposed to be carried on
under the licence.
CLOSEUP Winter 2013
The key questions are:
• How much money can the operator find if the
need arises?
• How quickly can he find it?
• Where will it come from?
Somewhere to park?
You need to specify where the vehicles will
normally be kept and advertise that location within
a paper circulating in the locality. The
advertisement needs to be within a statutory
format; if not, the application will be rejected.
Where a vehicle is “normally kept” is a question
of fact and degree, however traffic commissioners
take a dim view of vehicles being parked regularly
at an unauthorised location. Using a place as an
unauthorised operating centre is an offence.
Are you fit to hold an operator’s licence?
When making the application you will be asked to
declare details of the financial history of previous
companies and previous convictions. Take care
that the information supplied is correct. If the form
is completed by a member of staff, the Traffic
Commissioner is entitled to conclude that it will be
checked by the applicant, a company secretary or
director. If it later transpires that there are mistakes
in the form, then this would go to whether the
applicant is fit to hold a licence.
If you are considering running your own goods
vehicles then contact me for advice on this or any
other aspect of road transport law.
01756 790631
[email protected]
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SRA number 488651