Benham Publishing Businesss Magazines February 2014 | Page 5
New Chamber Patrons
Chamber members
hear from LEP chair
We have agreed a new partnership with Kirklees Stadium
Development Ltd (KSDL), operators of The John Smith’s Stadium.
Chamber members had the opportunity
to hear directly from Roger Marsh, the
Leeds City Region Local Enterprise
Partnership (LEP) chair, at a recent
Chamber council meeting held in
partnership is a fantastic opportunity for the
Chamber to support an important local resource,
The John Smith’s Stadium. We are looking forward
to adding the experience of Kirklees Stadium
Development Ltd to our family of Patrons, which
will benefit our members and the wider business
Under the agreement, KSDL becomes a full
Patronage member of the Chamber and the
Chamber becomes an official partner of the
Stadium company.
Executive Director, Andrew Choi, said: “This new
Stadium Managing Director Gareth Davies said:
“It is a very natural relationship for us to underpin
with a formal agreement and one which I believe
will grow strongly. We intend to be active Patron’s
of the Chamber in Mid Yorkshire and are also
proud that the Chamber wishes to partner with us.”
See more information and KSDL’s first Patrons
View on page 38.
Three new starters to share expertise in business
We have recently appointed three people to our subsidiary company, The
West Yorkshire Enterprise Agency (WYEA), to further assist start up
businesses under the Government’s New Enterprise Allowance scheme.
Brij, based in Wakefield was recently employed as
both a start-up adviser and a European
programme project coordinator making him ideal
for the role.
Joe, who used to work for WYEA, has extensive
start-up, business support and loan fund
experience and is based in Halifax.
Alyas Hussain and Brij Chaggar have been
appointed as business start-up advisers and Joe
Cahill a start-up and access to finance advisor, to
work across our Kirklees, Wakefield and
Calderdale offices. Each brings extensive business
support and industry experience in a bid to help
individuals with enterprise ambitions to start their
own business.
Alyas works from our Lockwood office and brings
significant local expertise gained from his recent
work at the Kirklees Youth Enterprise Centre. Prior
to that he worked for several years in financial
services after running his own businesses. Alyas
explained “I am looking forward to working with