Bending Reality Magazine April | Page 53

Things I Hate - May

By Andrew

Just when you thought it was safe to make reservations for dinner for that special day, just when you thought it was safe to buy flowers for that special someone, just when you thought it was safe to enjoy the weather outside, it's the continuing episodes of things that this person hates entitled Things That I Hate: the thirteenth edition of this article. As always, I must give the following disclaimer. The subjects that I choose for this edition and all editions are solely mine and in no way represent the views or staff of Bending Reality Magazine. This edition of things that I hate has to do with the month of May and/or Mother's Day. Let's get started.

With the end in sight for kids going to school for the school year in sight, my first topic is this. Don't you hate when you work so hard on a subject in school, when you get that grade you thought would be an A instead becomes a B or worse? Sounds quite typical for the kids of today. They work so hard to get an education and yet they have problems understanding the class. What could be done? Probably the best idea is to hire a tutor, someone who can help you out in the subject you're having problems with. Happened to me many times. That's how I did for almost my entire time in public school.

Our next topic is a doozy, yet makes perfect sense since it did happened to me. Don't you hate when you want to go out to dinner on a holiday, when you get there it's an hour long wait or more? Sure this has happened to many people. On holidays, the restaurants are packed!! If you don't make a reservation like my dad and I should have done when we were moving, perhaps we would have gotten to eat sooner. Still, it wasn't that bad. What can you do besides making a reservation? Pretty simple here. Just have a wonderful dinner at home. Makes it feel like you went out when you stayed home and made a wonderful meal at home. Saves the time on making a reservation since you can decide when it's time to have dinner as well as saving money.

The last topic is one that happened to me when I was in high school. Don't you hate when you want to clean a pot or a pan one way and you get a debate with someone else on another way to clean the pot or pan? Happened to me when I was a senior in high school. A class of mine made bulldog suckers. After putting the hot liquid into the molds and into the freezer to chill overnight, it was typical to clean the pot via hot water. This student who debated with me said it should be cleaned by reheating the pot on the stove and cleaning it that way. Keep in mind that this student was a sophomore when I was a senior. I finally had enough after we argued. I didn't realized this, but I gave him the wrestling choke hold. He bit my knuckle on the middle finger of my left hand and I let go. In the end, the student was suspended for two days for arguing with me when I was right. I told my dad what happened once I got home. I got grounded for two weeks because of what I did. That was fine with me.

I really don't have anything bad to say about mothers. Sure they can be a pain once in a while, but even in heaven like my mom is, they still love you and will always be with you, especially when it's time to join your parents up in heaven. If your mom is still with you, give them a call, take her out to dinner, spend time with her, or even just send her some flowers. Makes them feel special. If your mom is like mine, up in heaven, put a flower next to her gravestone. It's a good way to remember them. This concludes this edition of things that I hate. God bless all the moms out there, all the past moms, and the future moms. We need them in our lives. Take care all. See you next time! I'm out.