1890 32 33 34
Litton Lane Training are all about service and looking after the students that enroll on their courses .
‘ Our mission is to provide the highest possible standard of up to date and externally validated fitness and therapy professional training programs with a view to preparing , empowering and inspiring our students to work in these areas in a confident , successful and effective manner ’
Litton Lane Training course tutors are all qualified and experienced specialists in their own area of expertise . Tutors need to have this solid background of qualifications and experience before being approved to teach on any of the courses offered . Tutors are also continuously updating their own education in order to ensure that they stay to the forefront of their professions . The desire and commitment to continuously read , research and attend seminars or conferences is crucial to the ongoing development of any health / fitness professional . The tutors are enthusiastic , helpful , friendly , and to go to great lengths to ensure that students both enjoy and benefit from all courses .
Ronan Mee Course Tutor & Personal Fitness Coach
For more information contact the team on
1890 32 33 34
Email info @ littonlanetraining . com
www . littonlanetraining . com