BellTime Magazine Spring/Summer 2017 7 | Page 14

A Career in Fitness ?

I was 16 and still in school . I had no idea what career path I should choose ! As the leaving certificate approached and the closing date for CAO college applications got closer I attended multiple college open days and reviewed several course options but nothing jumped out at me . I knew I wanted to work in a career I enjoyed , something I was passionate about , a job I could see myself wanting to spend time at . The problem was , I didn ’ t know what !
I met with the schools career guidance councillor and discussed options with my parents and teachers . I could have built a house with the amount of thick college prospectus ’ I collected ! It was 1998 so there was no email ! Social media was a photograph that took 24 hours to develop if you paid for the express service !
I wasn ’ t the academic guy and I wasn ’ t the sporty guy but I did ok and worked hard to secure a credible leaving certificate . What I actually excelled in was art class . Looking back now I know the reason why . It was because I enjoyed it . I was by no means excellent at it but I knew how to make it work . My point being - we excel in the things that we are passionate about and that we enjoy .
The years past and still I did not know what I wanted to do as a career . After hearing a radio advertisement I enrolled on a Fitness Instructor course in 2006 with Litton Lane Training .
I qualified with an ITEC Diploma in Fitness Instruction and I enjoyed it so much I went back and qualified as an ITEC RQF Level 3 ( EQF Level 4 ) Personal Trainer & Nutritional Advisor and an American
College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer . I have since completed qualifications in Suspension Training , Kettlebell Instruction , Studio Cycle , FETAC Level 6 Train the Trainer and I have completed courses in Pilates Instruction and Strength & Conditioning Coaching .
I built a career in fitness . I began training clients in 2007 and I opened my appointment based Personal Training studio in 2009 . We are 8 years on and thankfully we have grown from strength to strength . I am grateful for my decision to become involved in this dynamic and expanding industry . I spend my day making a difference to peoples lives by improving physical and mental health .
As the National Obesity Policy & Action Plan 2016 - 2025 is being put into effect the health and fitness industry will continue to experience growth and opportunity . This is a credible career path . Work as your own boss , learn skills in business management , marketing and sales . Create your own journey , work in an industry with energy , enthusiasm and ongoing potential . Fitness is for everyone .
If you are interested in a career in Fitness , Litton Lane Training have been running health and fitness courses since 1987 . Over the years , Litton Lane Training have developed a strong and reliable reputation due to their high standard of course content and delivery . In the health and fitness business , similar to any other business , reputation is enhanced only by consistently delivering a high standard of service at a competitive price .