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The Irish Second-Level Students union are the national umbrella body for
student councils all across Ireland. We are an organisation run for students
by students! 2015/16 in a nutshell
Exam Blogs
Events held
Every year the ISSU recruit
students who are doing
their Junior or Leaving
Certificate to write blogs the
evening after each exam.
Teenagers all over Ireland
tune in every evening to
read people’s opinions and
these opinions can be very
reassuring for students
when others have the same
thoughts as them on a
We held our Annual General
Meeting in March which
brought together 150
students from around
Ireland to elect the new
National Student Executive,
to discuss the work plan for
2016-2017 and debate
proposed amendments to
the constitution of the
Also in February, we invited
70 Dublin students to a 1916
Commemoration event in
Trinity College, in
collaboration with Dublin
City Council.
Training for
Student Councils
Cluster Events
We hold a number of local
student council meetings or
We are active in delivering
“cluster events” in the early
Student Council training to
months of the year. We contact
member schools, assisting
schools across Ireland to invite
students and parents with
student councils to attend
concerns they have
cluster meetings in their area
regarding subjects and state
to discuss local issues
exams, and helping schools
affecting students, national
to set up democratic and
student issues and possible
transparent student
collaborations between
different student councils. As a
result, we are successful in
connecting and empowering
students to become involved
and become representatives
for their schools and peers.