Photo by Fennell Photography
In March 2016 Lauren Conway from Coláiste Éinde , Galway and Jane Oyenuga from Loreto Secondary School , Kilkenny were the joint winners of the second ActionAid Ireland Speech Writing Competition . Open to every secondary school in Ireland , ActionAid ’ s speech writing competition received entries from over 50 schools in 2015 . Ten finalists were chosen to deliver their speech at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin . Lauren and Jane wowed the panel of judges , including young-adult novelist Louise O ’ Neill , by showing a solid understanding of women ’ s rights when delivering their impressive and well-crafted speeches . The winning prize was a trip to Malawi , accompanied by their teacher , to see how ActionAid is changing the lives of women and communities , with the support of Irish Aid . Malawi is a small landlocked nation in southern Africa and one of the worlds ’ poorest countries . Poverty rates , malnutrition , and mortality rates remain high , as does violence against women - the focus of ActionAid ’ s women ’ s right programme . In August the girls travelled with their teachers to the northern district of Rumphi to see this programme in action . In the northern region of Malawi , women leave their home place once they are married , to live among their husband ’ s family and neighbours . This isolates them and gives them nowhere to turn if the relationship is violent . Very few women are allowed to work or even socialise outside the home . Within traditional marriages polygamy still occurs . Women leaders in the community are rare . Women are often seen as incapable of leading , not only by the men in the villages but also by the women themselves . However , change is taking place . ActionAid is working with local groups of women like the Rumphi Women ’ s Forum to transform communities and women ’ s lives . The forum works voluntarily to ; build awareness of women ’ s rights , provide counselling services
for victims of violence , settle minor domestic disputes and seek justice for victims of abuse through working with other local groups and arrange skills trainings for local women . ‘ Meeting the women ’ s forum was so interesting ’, said Jane ‘ it was great to see how the magistrate , the hospital and the women all work together to create real change .’ The Forum follows ActionAid ’ s REFLECT approach to community development . People are encouraged to learn from each other , to reflect and find solutions for their own daily struggles . One key focus , for example , is to ensure all in the community become literate – the visiting schoolgirls witnessed two of the older women in the community write their names with pride , having recently learned how . The Women ’ s Forum has also set up village savings and loans groups as a way for women to start small businesses and to help fund their
children ’ s education . Lauren and Jane saw the impact of this work when they visited the village of Njikula . Welcomed by the entire village , the girls and their teachers were treated to a moving and powerful song about the experiences of the women and the very real need for the women ’ s rights programme . Local women spoke of the violence and isolation they experienced before taking part in the village forum and REFLECT Circles . Beatrice Kalua , 35 , said that her husband had been polygamous and unsupportive of her and her three children , while at the same time not allowing her to work or socialise outside of the home . At first her husband would not let her attend the REFLECT Circle , but local facilitators met him and changed his mind . The group has helped Beatrice to reflect , talk through and take action on the problems in her life . In October 2014 she and her husband became legally married and he is no longer polygamous . Beatrice has started a small business selling fish and bananas , and now has her own independent income , ensuring her children will never do without again . In her own words , she has been ‘ living a happy life since then .’ Galway student Lauren was particularly struck by the young women that she met : ‘ one young woman , Febi , had a child young and was going back to school . She was so brave and open talking about her situation - the girls and women have such strength .’ The Women ’ s Forum has also targeted the most violent men in the communities to teach them about women ’ s rights and involve them in their work to end violence . The group now call themselves “ Real Men ” and aim to encourage all men in the village to respect women and give up violence against them . The students met with a group of men who told them how the training had improved their relationships with their wives and families . Luka Mkandawire , a young married man and father , discussed his wife ’ s new business and how he has become far more open with his children . Luka explained that ActionAid ’ s training helped him move away from some of the old traditions , ‘ young men are more open to change as they can look at the past , present and future . Looking at the challenges ahead such as money and climate change , they know they can ’ t live by the traditions of the past . They need to change themselves .’ ActionAid is bringing about this change . Chiza Gondwe , Deputy Chair of the Rumphi Women ’ s Forum became one of the first female village chiefs in the district . Quietly dignified , she told us that the role had been suggested to her previously , but she never believed that a woman could be head of a village until she received training on women ’ s leadership from ActionAid . She has since been made group village head , overseeing the chiefs in 17 villages . A fitting leader for a changing community . You can be part of this change by taking part in ActionAid ’ s Speech Writing Competition ! The third ActionAid Speech Writing Competition will be open to all secondary students aged 14 to 17 from early October , and two winners will have the opportunity to visit and experience an ActionAid programme .
Visit www . actionaid . ie for details of how to enter .