BellTime Magazine Autumn/Winter 2016 6 | Page 6

BellTime 6 pt1:Layout 1 23/09/2016 19:58 Page 6 BellTIME > > > FOREWORD I am delighted to have been asked to provide the foreword for this edition of Bell Time magazine, an essential biannual publication for all second level schools across Ireland. I hope that you enjoy the host of interesting articles included in this edition. implementation reports and continuous consultation with stakeholders will remain central to the process. Tackling educational disadvantage is a key feature of the Action Plan for Education. We are developing a new ambitious Action Plan to tackle As Minister for Education and Skills, I Educational Disadvantage. The plan am committed to making Ireland’s which will be published by the end of Education system the best in Europe by this year will pioneer new approaches 2026. I have recently published the for delivering results to include Action Plan for Education which sets disadvantaged schools. We want to out this ambition through hundreds of make sure that students in these actions which will be implemented over schools can achieve their potential and the next three years. This is a realistic stay in schools for longer. That is why ambition as Ireland already has a top 5 we want the retention rate in DEIS position in Europe in several important schools to reach the national average spheres but there are areas where we within the next decade. We are also have significant ground to make up in targeting a five-fold increase in the including achievement levels in Science reach of the Incredible Years teacher and take up of gateway subjects. programme. The plan builds on the successful model of the Action Plan for Jobs, which I launched in 2012. At the start of 2017, and in each subsequent year, we will publish an updated annual Action Plan for Education which will contain further actions to be implemented in that year. Publication of quarterly 6 Our aim is to enrich teaching and learning with new curricula, new assessment methods and technology assisted learning. I have recently announced the introduction of coding to primary schools from 2018, teaching of computer science as a Leaving Certificate subject and processes to introduce teaching of new languages such as Mandarin at second level. I want to ensure that the voices of the service users are made more central to the education system by developing a Parents and Learners Charter which will require schools to consult with parents. New measures will be put in place to tackle school costs for parents, including a requirement on schools to take into consideration the needs of parents when making decisions that have a financial impact. Following consultation, I will be issuing a strong new circular to schools regarding uniform costs and other school costs. To be the best in Europe we need to ensure that leadership, management, quality frameworks, teaching methods and initial and continuing training are all operating to the highest standards. By working together with all those who work in and depend on our education system, I am confident that we can deliver on this ambition of being the best Education and Training Service in Europe. Richard Bruton TD Minister for Education and Skills