BellTime Magazine Autumn/Winter 2016 6 | Page 37

life-skills you learn in IGG as part of your Gaisce – The President ’ s Award and , thanks to an exciting new partnership between IGG and Gaisce , you can earn your Bronze , Silver or Gold Gaisce Award at the same time as working towards IGG ’ s Bronze Star , Silver Moon or Golden Sun Award .
Being a member of IGG is not about competition ; it ’ s about challenging yourself and setting your own goals and standards . We help you aim higher and achieve more , sometimes without you even realising !
“ I would recommend IGG to other girls because you get a chance to learn about a load of different things and you make loads of new friends ” – Deirdre Fogarty ( age 14 ) – Thurles Senior Brancher

Fancy some new experiences ? Exciting adventures ?

Join Irish Girl Guides

& have all these & more … - New friends - Overseas trips - New skills to add to your CV !
You can do your Gaisce with us too !
Senior Branch - age 14-30 Girl Guides - age 10-14
Leaders 18 + www . irishgirlguides . ie
Working in groups , project-planning , team-building and advocacy are all crucial skills that employers look for . When we survey our members , they say the things they do in IGG help them in their careers . Organising and leading activities and events are transferable skills , which will help you in school , college and the workplace .
Senior Branch members from Lucan , Co Dublin , pictured with Maia Dunphy after they took part in filming for RTE ’ s Maia Dunphy : What Women Want ’
Naomi Keays , a Senior Brancher from Limerick , pictured on top of Jeghorn – one of three Swiss Alps she has climbed
Instead of going on a course to learn these skills , you can build them up while making the most of the many opportunities offered in Irish Girl Guides … and making lots of new friends into the bargain !
Members of Irish Girl Guides ’ Senior Branch pictured at an international Guide and Scout camp in Roihu , Finland
To find out more , see www . irishgirlguides . ie