BellTime 6 pt1:Layout 1
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Our Host Aohnghus Og
McAnally presenting
the Youth for Decent
Work Awards 2016
What is this year’s theme?
Film Competition 2017
This September YouthConnect is back in action,
rolling out hundreds of workshops to students across
the country, from Cavan to Cork and Renmore to
Rosslare, and encouraging many to take up the
challenges posed by our video competition.
Interested? Read on ...........
YouthConnect has been around for six years
informing students about their rights at work such as,
how much should I get paid? How can I check my
wages are correct? What about holidays, do I get
any?? How many hours can I work for my age???
And what happens if something goes wrong in work,
or a student would like to approach their boss on a
workplace concern, how is that handled? What are
the protocols in place. Well all those questions and
more can be answered by inviting our champions to
your school and participating in our different
workshops. Each region has a dedicated champion,
which ensures we get to cover as many areas as
possible throughout the year, so if you want to get in
touch, just email us as follows:
We are asking you to consider the theme of Workers
rising to the Challenges: 1916-2016 in the context of
the labour movement and the Decent Work
framework. We want to know what difference the
events of 1916 made to workers’ everyday lives and
what those events might mean to students and
workers today. Can you trace the influence of trade
unions in society using the key events of 1913 and 1916
as a marker?
This year, our theme focusses on labour history and
the influence of events in 1916 on ordinary people’s
lives. We are asking you to consider the theme of
Workers rising to the Challenges: 1916-2016 in the
context of the labour movement and the Decent Work
framework. We want to know what difference the
events of 1916 made to workers’ everyday lives and
what those events might mean to students and
workers today. Can you trace the influence of trade
unions in society using the key events of 1913 and 1916
as a marker? What was contained in the
proclamation? How would that change people’s lives?
Are the principles of the proclamation realised today?
[email protected] for Cavan, Meath,
Louth, Monaghan
[email protected] for Offaly,
Longford, Westmeath, Leitrim, Sligo
[email protected] for Galway, Clare,
Mayo and Roscommon
[email protected] for Wicklow,
Wexford, Carlow, Kilkenny, Laois, Kildare
[email protected] for Dublin City, North
and South county
[email protected] for Cork, Limerick,
Kerry, Tipperary and Waterford
[email protected] for Donegal
John Healy, Aoife Gallogly
and Aaron Murphy from
BHWG from Pobalscoil
Inbhear Sceine 2