BellTime Magazine Autumn 2017 BellTime 8-3 | Page 42


The new Politics and Society Leaving Certificate course , piloted in a small number of schools from Autumn 2016 will be available to all schools and their students in the Autumn of 2018 .
An important element of this programme is for students to engage with and develop key skills of active citizenship , to understand the world in which we live , why it works the way it does and how we can influence change for the betterment of all people . These are among some of the strongly-held beliefs and principles of the trade union movement , to encourage engagement of all citizens in issues which affect their lives , to empower students and workers to have an input into the decisions which affect their education and their working lives and to help influence positive political change to eradicate inequalities in all areas of life , improving working conditions and provide decent standards of living for all citizens . develop new workshops which we hope will prove as beneficial to both teachers and students as those in our current series . The politics and society workshops will be complementary to the course following its specifications , incorporate key skills for students whilst using real examples and case studies across all four strands .
Each of the eight topics from power and decisionmaking , right through to contributing to communities , human rights and globalisation , has a strong relevance to the work of the trade union movement and the world of work . We work collectively and collaboratively with others on a daily basis to make progress and improvements for all workers and citizens in Ireland .
Our workshops are delivered with the greatness flexibility to allow students and teachers to get the most benefit from them .
The programme can be contacted via our website www . youth-connect . ie and workshops can be booked directly by email to info @ youth-connect . ie
This is why we , at YouthConnect , are developing a new module to deliver interactive workshops using real life examples to students of Politics and Society . YouthConnect is the nationwide youth education and engagement programme of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions , which has been delivering our sixmodule workshop series “ The Working World ” to hundreds of schools and thousands of students since 2011 .
Based on the positive feedback received and success of the programme to date , we will continue to