BellTime Magazine Autumn 2017 BellTime 8-3 | Page 35

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures 2014 - 2020 - the National Policy Framework for Children aims to promote children’s health and wellbeing and protect them from harm. One area where children require our protection and support is in relation to alcohol. Children and young people are advised not to drink alcohol before the age of 18. But why? 1. Their brain is under ‘construction’ and is affected differently by alcohol than the adult brain. 2. The parts of the brain used for learning, remembering and problem solving are all impacted by alcohol use. Effects can be lasting. 3. The teenage brain is more susceptible to becoming addicted to alcohol. 4. Teenagers who drink alcohol before the age of fifteen are five times more likely to become dependent on alcohol. Therefore, the age at which young people start drinking should be delayed for as long as possible. BellTIME Why is it so important for young people to learn about the risks of alcohol? KNOW THE RISKS Short term risks: o Increased risk-taking o Nausea and vomiting o Anti-social behaviour, like vandalism and fighting o Accidents and injuries and poisoning o Risky sexual behaviour o Getting in trouble with the authorities o Doing badly at school due to poor concentration o Problems with family and friends o Psychological distress o Self-harm and suicide Although underage drinking has always happened – alcohol is now cheaper and more available than ever and is often associated with things teenagers enjoy such as sport, music and fashion. Dr Bobby Smyth, HSE Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist says "Young people are now routinely starting to drink at the age of 14 - a couple of years younger than the generation before them. All society has a role in supporting young people to avoid alcohol for as long as possible. Delaying the onset of drinking will have a positive effect on their short term and long term physical and mental health. The impact cannot be underestimated.” Longer term risks: o o o o o o Relationship difficulties Increasing anxiety & depression Isolation Memory problems Falling behind in school Cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and liver damage o Alcohol dependence Time to bust the myths: Many people are under a false assumption that alcohol is in some way preferable to drugs – this is a myth. Both are psychoactive substances – one is legal and the other is not. With older teenagers alcohol and drugs are frequently taken together. With younger teenagers, dabbling in early drinking is a predictor of drug taking. Most children are sensible – but their difficulties processing alcohol means they take risks when drunk which they wouldn’t normally take. Now, more than ever, it is time for young people to Ask About Alcohol. So how can we support young people? As an educator, you are a key influencer and can support young people to find out more about the risks of alcohol and the benefits to avoiding alcohol for as long as possible. It is interesting to note that recent studies indicate that a growing number of children are choosing not to drink alcohol. You may have recently heard thought- provoking radio and online advertising from the HSE campaign The website has plenty of interesting facts, advice and you can feel safe that it is a trustworthy source from experts. This website, along with, can also be used as a resource for students who are undertaking projects on alcohol or drugs, to familiarise themselves with the breadth of health information available. 35