Section Three
Misconceptions about Fitness,
Weight Lifting and Cardio
Let’s talk briefly about the importance of lifting along
with cardio. The term 'toned' is a slang used by
fitness enthusiasts to describe muscle tone. What
does this mean?
It means we need to develop muscle in order to
increase a 'toned' look. Cardio is great for burning fat
but it is important that we build and develop our
muscles. Lifting and/or resistance training is essential
for forming and increasing muscle. This is often
referred to as 'gains', short for muscle gains. Lifting
34 times a week is a great start. Always find a way
to incorporate cardio into your workouts as well. You
can choose a variety of things based on your goals.
Sprinting, Hill running, jogging, walking, playing
basketball, baseball, swimming, etc are all great
forms of cardio and should be utilized frequently. It’s
very important that men and women incorporate
weight lifting and cardio together for a wellro unded
fitness regimen.