Beefin' Up Knowledge - Discovering Colorado's #1 Agricultural Product 2024: Issue 2

Colorado Reader

An agricultural magazine for students

Beefin ’ Up Knowledge

Discover Colorado ’ s # 1 Agricultural Product

Welcome to the world of Colorado beef ranching ! In this issue , you ’ ll explore how Colorado ’ s top agricultural product goes from ranches across the state to dinner tables everywhere . Discover the hard work and care that ranchers put into raising cattle , learn fascinating facts about beef , and see how cattle ranching connects to our environment , economy , and daily lives . Get ready for a beefy adventure that takes you from pastures to plates !

There are 2.6 million head of cattle in Colorado

There are

12,030 cattle and calf farms and ranches in Colorado

Colorado ranks 4 th in the U . S . for feeding cattle

In Colorado , cattle and calves accounts for

$ 4.5 Billion in cash receipts

Cattle and Calves
is Colorado ’ s

# 1 agricultural product

In 2021 , Colorado exported

$ 606 Million of beef and veal , with Japan , China , South Korea , Canada , and Mexico being the top export markets

Source : Colorado Beef Council