Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 13
St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 12
• One pair of stud earrings in the lower earlobe as well as one discreet necklace on a
chain and one bracelet. No other jewellery is permitted
• Hair should be discreet in style, worn tidily and in a natural tone. Make up should
be discreet, no nail polish is allowed.
• A white shirt with House tie, grey school trousers in classic style. Black leather
• FY 2017- 18 – a blue tweed school blazer with blue v-neck pullover with green trim
around the neck; the pullover to be worn in addition to the blazer and not instead of
the blazer
• L5 and U5 2017 – 18 – a black school blazer with a black v-neck pullover, the
pullover to be worn in addition to the blazer and not instead of the blazer.
• No visible jewellery, earrings or piercings are not permitted.
• Hair should be natural in colour, collar length and conservative in style. Hair must
not have a large difference in its length over the cut; for example very short on the
sides and long on the top. Boys must be clean-shaven.
• Canterbury Sports jackets are for sporting fixtures only.
• Suits can comprise of skirts, trousers and dresses with a Jacket and must be
conservative and business like in style and colour and tailored. Skirts and dresses
must fall to the knee.
• A shirt or blouse of any colour is acceptable. The shirt or blouse may be sleeveless
but vest tops and straps are not permitted.
• Shoes should be smart and made of black leather. Heels should not be higher than
• Jumpers/cardigans must be of a dark conservative colour and of fine knit.
• Coats must cover the suit jacket and may only be navy or black. They can be made
of waterproof or wool material. No ‘parkas’ or ‘puffa jackets’ allowed. Markings, fur
or branding should not be visible.
• Hair should be tidy, of one colour and of a natural shade. Make up should be discreet.