Because WE Care Special Edition | Page 2

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Sergio Osvaldo Foschino was born in Tandil, April 20th, 1968. His parents are Norma Alicia Fraccia and José Osvaldo Foschino, he had two brothers Adrian and Hernan Foschino. His grandparents where Italian immigrants.

When he was a kid he liked climbing the mountains, “exploring” the abandoned quarries and fishing in the city´s dam. Apart from that he liked visiting his grandfather José, with whom he spent time hearing a radio that himself built. José repaired TV’s and electronic artefacts of that times.

He finished his secondary school in the ENET n° 1 in Tandil, he graduated as a mechanic-electric technician. After that he started working in his mother´s butcher shop while studied in the UNCPBA (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires). Here he graduated as a National Certified Public Accouter. In 1994, he moved to Pilar Buenos Aires because he couldn´t find job in his natal city and the family business was decreasing.

Sergio got married with Suyai Iribarren in 2000. That same year they moved to Puerto Esperanza (Misiones) for professional reasons.

He entered Alto Paraná S.A. In 1999 where he held the positions of sub manager of Auditory, sub manager of the MDF Plant, sub manager of the Cellulose Plant Management, and Human Resources manager of the company.
