Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 86

“Stranger, Stranger, strange, did you believe me?” This line could have been his epitaph. XXVIII The beat generation did not suppose the existence of a God or higher power. A famous poet who did was Keats. It is fair to say that the concept of God became secularised with the romantic poets who followed Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelly, Byron etc… virtually to disappear with the 20 th -century wave of modernist poets Olsen, Stevens, Carlos Williams, Pound etc… The beat generation was styled upon a kind of freedom which pre-empted, though only mildly influenced, the 60's civil rights and "Hippie Movement". Based on this movement was a blind belief in freedom. While philosophers from Augustine to Aquinas had postulated upon free will, Immanuel Kant was the first to suppose the independent 85