Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 62

This volume contains the poem "night highway, ninety-nine", the ultimate beat generation hitch hiking poem, again about a journey for it is the unashamed journey that is part of the shamanic trail and is a critical shamanic element in beat generation poetry. The semiotics of the "actual nondualistic world" are of no major concern to Snyder, this pertains to what Lawrence Buell calls a superintending consciousness". This altered psychic state sees nothing in the ordinary realm of symbol and archetype and instead reverts our common understanding of nature and its processes e.g. the water holds up the mountains…The mountains go down in the water”. This is a shamanic flight in quest of truth. We also see “blue mountains constantly walking” and the blue sky” as “a good quilt”. This essentialism is what Snyder calls “the nature of the nature of nature”. This categorises nature as “fluid, open and conditional”. Snyder dismisses human categories and distinctions in favour of “thusness” and will not anything strike in the way of “the good work” (Reisman, 2012). He is the product of a shamanic consciousness and lies in pursuit of that which is not conceptually gaged truth. 61