Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 34

is solitary, as pure poet- a man reduced to lowliness in poetry, without worldly distractions- and a man become one with his poetry. The solitary space which Weiners, “the pure poet” occupies is eccentric enough to categorize him as a contemporary, urban shaman of his time. The purity and oneness are also shamanic elements worthy of further consideration. Michael McClure is to a poet of the body, he writes "I am the body, the animal, the poem / is a gesture of mine". By embodying the animism of the animal, McClure embodies the shamanic. He also states that "the prime purpose of my poetry is liberation" and that the quote "for everything that lives is holy" came not from Ginsberg but from McClure's rendering of Blake. The Shaman sees life force in all things and seeks to liberate others. The other significant aspect of the shaman is the presence of a spirit world. In McClure's poem "the child" he states "who were the lion men who walked in my dreams…in a room whose walls were miracles”. Here McClure evokes one of man's most ancient symbols, that of the lion man, who surrounds his pre-awakened state. The process of 33