Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 28

Here a deep terror like Artaud’s theatre of cruelty hangs over the reader’s imagination. However this is really the Jungian mask of the trickster coming to the fore, the signs may signal “death” but the Solomon who liaised with Corso and was knowledgeable about politics, French existentialism, Proust, Tristan Tzara and Jean Genet is still very much alive. In “Life is Life” we get the real sense of a beat poet who can never perceive “the whole overriding master design”, a marginal figure who is angry but acceptant of the world and his place therein. A man of little faith who reads Kierkegaard and plays scrabble. After all “Life is Life”. Carl Solomon is the shamanic trickster if we care to share the joke! III Another famous beat is Philip Whalen who read at the famous six gallery meeting. He was roommates with Snyder and Welch. Critic Michael Davidson states that his poetry is reminiscent of 18 th -century poets John Dryden and Alexander Pope. Other influences include Olson, Stein, Stevens, Williams, Su Tung-p'o and Zen master Dogen (Hemmer, 2007). Whalen’s singular style and personality is both honest and visionary 27