Food & Beverage Regulations | Due to Health Department regulations and club policy , food and beverage consumed on the premises must be provided by Bearpath Golf & Country Club . A handling fee for $ 2.00 ++/ pp will be charged for all dessert items brought in by outside vendors . Health Department regulations prohibit us from allowing guests to take home extra food and beverages .
Menu Selection | Bearpath Golf and Country Club will serve up to three entrées , plus a vegetarian and children ’ s meal for your event . A coded place card must be provided by the host to identify each guest ’ s meal selection . If you offer choices , a split menu charge will apply on all entrées excluding children and vegetarian unless vegetarian meals exceed 10 % of the guaranteed number . All special dietary needs ( Gluten Free , Vegan , Vegetarian , etc .) will be accommodated . The breakdown of entrée choices must be provided with the guaranteed guest count 72 hours prior to your event . If you prefer , our Chefs will custom design a menu for your event . All prices are subject to change . Due to the fluctuations in markets , all prices will be guaranteed 30 days prior to your event .
Alcohol | All alcoholic beverages must be purchased through Bearpath Golf & Country Club . Bearpath ’ s service staff must dispense all beverages ; alcoholic or nonalcoholic . Bearpath Golf & Country Club is required under state law to request proper identification . Bearpath reserves the right to prosecute minors for attempting to purchase alcohol or tobacco . Minors attempting to purchase alcohol or tobacco will be asked to leave your event immediately - no exceptions . Bearpath also reserves the right to refuse service of alcoholic beverages to any individual under any circumstances . Any belligerent behavior will result in prosecution . Bearpath reserves the right to eject violators of these policies from Bearpath premises . Bearpath will not pour liquor shots of any kind . You must sign a Social Host Liability Form prior to your function . Cab , Uber , Lyft service is available and guests are allowed to leave vehicles in the parking lot overnight .
Bartenders | We recommend one bartender per 100 guests . There will be a $ 125 fee per bartender if sales of less than $ 350 are reached per bar . Portable bars may be set-up inside or outside for $ 195 set-up fee . The same minimum of $ 350 applies to portable bars .
Set-up & Teardown | You are responsible for all set-up of room decorations . This includes table centerpieces , table favors , placecards , etc . If you would like Bearpath ’ s assistance , there will be a $ 50.00 per hour fee . Set-up times vary based on availability of the room , which will be determined one week prior to the event . Bearpath Golf & Country Club is not responsible for personal belongings and rental property before , during , and after the event . Keepsakes must be taken the day / night of the event . Bearpath Golf and Country Club is not responsible for items left behind . Rented property may be picked up the next day with the permission of the catering department only .
Extra Seurity | For groups over 125 people , a $ 25 per hour fee will be charged for extra security or management on the premises during the event . The contact name on the special event agreement will assume responsibility for any damage to the club and property .
Damage to Bearpath Property | You will be charged accordingly for any damage caused by you or anyone in your party . This includes tape , nails , tacks or pins in the walls . A fee will be charged for any extraordinary cleaning that is necessary . For example : confetti , glitter , silly string , fake rose petals , etc .
Clubhouse | The Bearpath Clubhouse is strictly a members only facility . Ballroom guests are allowed in the ballroom and Terrace areas only . The room rental does not include the member areas including member dining and bar , golf course , driving range , and locker rooms .