The view of a European mountain range from the plane .
BHS media specialist , Melissa Hughes , stands on a railing in front of the Italian sunset .
The Italy group gathers around their terminal , awaiting their flight .
The students were given the opportunity to join in on a homemade pasta making class and a pizza making class . Food was one thing they were not in short supply of .
“ Dinner was always something to look forward to at the end of the day ,” Junior Caleb Stankowski said . “ Food was a very big part of their culture and how they do things there .”
Although they were able to go to Italy , they had to deal with a very , very long flight .
“ The flight was about twelve hours long , and I definitely felt all of it ,” Senior Dominic Bradburry said . “ Plus I had to deal with a little kid kicking my seat the entire way there , it was definitely a relief when we got there .”
For the rest of the trip , they were able to see Pompeii , a beach in Sorrento , Capri , and finally got to visit Naples .
“ My favorite part of the trip was when we visited the Island of Capri ,” Bradburry said . “ It was really pretty and the boat ride was super relaxing .”