so unusual, where do you get ideas for texture and
piration comes from looking at contemporary and historibooks, magazines or art galleries and museums. I look
from other materials and rarely look at beads for inspiraedge or general shape that I like then I
y own work. I only do this when I feel my
s strong, so that I don't replicate another
lso never make with an artist's work
of me as this encourages my hands to
es I have an idea on how to construct
endant and I need to get it down on
top thinking about it and move on to
. Often ideas develop onwards after the
ge. The clay tells me where it wants to
wants to become, I like to think I only
n its way. Most of the textures I use come
ollect on walks in nature and days out
markets and boot sales. There are texto compliment specific shapes better
d it takes some experimentation to learn
You don't work with "glaze" as we know it, you
work with Gilders Paste. How did this decision
come about and what differences do you find between the two?
The finish on my beads is specific to Gilders Paste
which is an oil based medium and it appeals to the
painter in me. I layer the paste like I did with oxide