Beacon Press 9 | Page 5

The Year 2’s Magical Exit Point Suhana Jacky Khiani, Year 5 The Year 2 Exit Point was called ‘The Magic Toy Maker’, an enjoyable learning event put together by students and teachers in Year 2. The things they did were making optical toys, making a circuit and lastly, making a photo booth to keep all those good memories they had. The first activity is the optical toys. They made an illusion which consists of an animal on one side of the circle and a cage on the other side of it. When you turn it around quickly the animal is seen in the cage which was initially on the other side. But before they did all that, they learned about the positioning of the animal first. This toy is called a Thaumatrope. The second activity is the circuit that they made with their parents. It was a real circuit that used batteries and a socket. It is very hard to make yet they did it without comp