Beacon Press 7 | Page 6

Dinosaurs are back! Zara Ratnani, Year 5 Parents were making fossils, kids were presenting their work and they were having so much fun together. The parents and kids had a great time as they had different stations and made fossils. In this unit, the Year 3s learned so much about dinosaurs and fossils. Mr Paul and Mrs Dipa are very proud of their students as they developed so many skills and learned much knowledge. The parents said that it was an awesome exit point and they enjoyed it as well. What was so ‘cute’ was that the students taught the parents about fossils and how to make them, instead of the parents teaching the students. “I love dinosaurs so much,” said Alex, a Year 3 budding archeologist. The Exit Point demonstrated the students’ strength as they did so well. The good thing is that most of the students love dinosaurs, so they got curious, and wanted to learn more. Mrs Dipa, their Year 3 teacher, is always proud of the students. The parents thought it was good for the students as well because they learned about what they love, which makes it even more interesting for them. 6