Book Week opened up the minds of students at Beacon
Academy to the wonder and magic of books. It started off
with a stupendous performance of 'Read It' (a parody of
Michael Jackson's Beat It) by Mrs Maggie and the rest of
the book week committee.
Something new was also introduced around that time,
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read), which spread like
wildfire throughout Beacon Academy; students longed for
the chance to delve into a book and become one with the
Students were given a chance to design bookmarks
inspired by quotes about reading, and inspire other
students to love reading by trading their original
bookmarks. The next day, teachers began reading some of
their favourite books to students in the Commons! Plus,
Year levels were given themes to inspire them to design a
book bag for a contest. Students worked hard to access
their creative side and win the competition. The themes
were, 'Books are a window to the world', 'Keep Calm and
Read' and '#ReadingRocks'.
The next day, older students were given a chance to
connect with younger students during Peer Reading.
Students commented that they really enjoyed being read
to, and the younger students reading as well. On
Thursday, movie clips from books were being played in the
library during snack and lunch breaks. There were movies
for all ages such as Percy Jackson and the Sea of
Monsters and Beauty and the Beast.
On Friday, students were allowed to design and wear
costumes based on their favourite book characters.
Finalists were picked from Year levels and Houses but
they had to bring the book their character was from with
them. On this particular Friday, students had DEAR four
times. Students were able to read from their favourite book
to their class. All in all, Book Week was a fabulous week
for all!
Many thanks to Abigail Sandoval for the title.