Beacon Press 5 | Page 6

New Year 3 Discovery: Fossils from the Past Zara Ratnani, Year 5 Imagine you are walking through a time portal - to the past - and looking at fossils and dinosaurs. How interesting is that! The amazing Year 3 archeologists are learning about dinosaurs as part of their fascinating IPC unit. These smart archeologists research about different dinosaurs, their diet, weight, height, where they lived and how they lived. “I really love the IPC unit because we can learn about fossils!” said a Year 3 student. At this time, students are recreating fossils that they are going later polish with dye or paint. They chose a dinosaur fossil to make which is now white; but soon it is going to be brown or beige. Year 3’s are apparently having “loads of fun” because ‘it’s all about dinosaurs’! Mr Paul and Ms Dipa are proud and happy as they watch their students unravel their talents as budding archeologists. 6