Be Restored Back to the Garden of Eden (BGE) 2016 | Page 3
The House That God Built
Architects specialise in designing buildings. For example, If
they are building a house, they are told or are given the
vision of the house. A house would collapse without the
foundation and the appropriate building blocks. We live in a
day and age that is filled with constant activities and we
often fail to plan ultimately ‘plan to fail.’ In no other area of
life do we plan to fail than in our relationships. We often
have relationships that have no specific plan or purpose.
We often develop relationships with no aim. This is akin to
driving to a destination without following the correct route
and finding ourselves in a dead end or on a collision course
if we do not follow the highway code.
Unity is also the key in building a relationship. In line with
the theme of building a house, the architects communicate
the plan of the house to all the workers involved in the
building project. Individuals or teams of workers have to
work on the parts of the house that they have been
assigned to build. They all have to communicate effectively
to accomplish the finished product. Similarly, a husband and
wife team should have a common plan or purpose and work
together in unity to fulfil that plan.
Jesus spoke about the idea of unity when the Pharisees
accused him of belonging to satan. Jesus responds to this
charge by stating that a house divided cannot stand and
that satan cannot attack himself (Mark 3:23 - 25). Likewise,
a family ideally comprising, husband, wife and children will
collapse if there is division. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes
4:12 ‘that a three cord strand is not quickly broken”. A
husband and wife should operate together with the Lord at
the centre of building a strong family unit.
We are delighted in the sixth BGE Annual Conference, to
run with the theme: The House that God Built (Unless the
Lord builds a House the builder builds in vain Psalms 127:1)