Be Prosilient Magazine Introductory issue | Página 3

Universally beneficial practices :
1 . EAT 3 WHOLE FOODS EVERY DAY . The complexity of digestive interactions within whole foods will never be fully replicated in processed foods . Give your body at least three whole foods every day . Whole foods typically contain only one ingredient .
2 . REPLENISH YOUR PROBIOTICS EVERY DAY . Whether you choose to eat or pop your probiotics , feed your gut ; build diversity . One Cascade Culture Yogurt per day or probiotic capsules will supplement your microbiome . Capsules vs . Yogurt - which do you prefer ?
3 . SWEAT 3 TIMES A WEEK WITH WEIGHTS . Many studies point to the power of exercise to strengthen your immune system and ability to heal . Supplement cardio ( even for a short time ) with weights to reinforce your frame and balance .
4 . FORGIVE AND FORGET . Don ' t carry your troubles for long . Researchers point to anxiety and negative thinking as a core trigger for illness and chronic problems . Everyone experiences stress and tough times , but " put your behind in your past " and move into the sunny side , briskly .
5 . EXHALE TO RELAX YOUR MIND AND BODY . Studies have found that Americans are " on " more than most cultures and need to signal to their body that they are at rest . You may choose to meditate , but even if you don ' t , focus on at least 10 big exhales ( hold for 5 seconds out ) each day .
Practices that may be helpful for some :
ELIMINATIONS such as wheat or red meat are popular , but may not be right for everyone . Experiment with your results periodically before you commit to a life without a food type . Diversity is healthy . SUPPLEMENTS : Popular now are turmaric , vinegar , Coq10 , green tea , high protein , acai , ginkgo biloba .

Brought to you by Cascade Culture . A great source of billions of live active cultures and probiotic diversity .

Crafted for your health ..