!be careful! we live there too... n/a | Page 6

The white coat

We all know about seals and the horrible things many of them life… so will see with more detail how their skin is used in the industry, some persons that have been in contact with this and many other things this include and how we can act.

First let’s talk about the seal the harp seal process is very complicated that pup can be burn only in the ice and exclusively at the benning of March and the pain that suffers the mother is too high and take a lot of time, before the seal take that white color it have a green – yellow color ( the newborn grows quickly ) its mother milk is 50% fat. That white color only stays just like for 2 to 3 weeks before it melts and take the gray color called a gray coat they keep this coat for a year.

Now that que know some things about this seal let’s talk about what happen to this animal. In the Soviet Union white coats skins were delivered to fur factory but it was very difficult to work con it because it changes it color very quickly but the gray coats and adult seals faced a different fate their skins were used for clothing. There were used for industrial purpose like lighting and houses or as a lubricant, hunting of harp seals started in the URSS in 1920s. now days it's not very much ordered lately but the hunters still killing them.

In 2009 Russia imposed a ban on the trade of white coats gray coats this meant that harp seal hunting came to an end but hunting and they are ready to return at any moment. Massive deaths have more than only one explanation and one of them is the human, we are constantly invading their habitat. There are canids of concentration camps were those little seals are taken… they grow there and when they are adults with the gray color them (humans) kill them for use their skin.

After seeing all this many persons made a trip for stopping killing the seals and using their skins for industry purpose, the pictures that were showed were Canadians killing that little seals and many people that saw this that just seen and not doing nothing was unbelievable because it was like killing children.

Aleksey Yablokov (deputy director) said that this creature are so amazing because are in the groups that you can go to visit then and touch them and not all the animals do this, another reason is that this animals focus on 3 places Greenland, Newfoundland and Russia but a problem he have found is that the ice was so thin and many seals are lying on it the think is that it broke and make many losses. Anna (biologist) have been travel for 4 years and she has never seen a white seal but finally her dream became true and the only thing was in her mind was “ why people may hurt this awesome animals“ . Andrey Semushin thinks (regional director, IFAW) in other way he said “ stop killing seals will help them to life a better life?” And his answer to this was “the problem with the seals is the ice is the one that regulates the birthrate”. And the experience of a former hunter Yevgeniy Anka said it wasn’t the best job and he was scary of killing a animal he doesn’t know what to do so he need to ask Alexander how to kill them once he was on the ice.

In conclusion this animals suffer and pass many things just for having an amazing skin… the biggest problem is us, now days this decrease so it is improve but we need to end it in a 100% way. So let’s thing more in those animals… moms that sufferer a lot for having a baby and a baby that is just growing and knowing how the world works.