Angela Clariz Del Rosario
The Twilight series is one of
the most read and watched
story in this generation.
A lot of viewers were crazed
under the spell of its author,
Stephenie Meyer.
A lot more were hooked on
this series when it was
brought to life through
a film starring Kristen
Stewart and Robert
Pattinson. The first film
of the series was released
on 2008 then its last installment
was released on 2012. For the fans of this story, the whole series was worth waiting for.
The series was about the love story of Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan. Everything was quite the same. Except for the fact that Edward was from a family of “vegetarian” vampires. The story revolved around the characters’ struggles in life. A lot of vampires were introduced and the gifted ones caught the readers’ interest. A wolf pack even came into view that had set the hearts of the teenage girls on fire (Yeah! I know how it felt like.) . It was like a maze that
held the readers until the end.
What I like most on this series was how LOVE was portrayed. It was not just romantic love. There was love from all the pieces of the huge puzzle. Their love for their families gripped my heart so hard. The family ties that were described were intense and incredible. The romantic love between Edward and Bella was the most incredible one. It was true love at its immortal state. Both of them were willing to give away everything just to make their love last the longest. That is true love right there, my friends. The story was thrilling considering all the twists and turns provided by its brilliant author. The pulls and pushes on the story gave it a strong foundation to the hearts of many. I have no regrets for watching out for its every installment. And just like any other stories, all lived happily ever after until forever.