Food and Travel
September 11 , 2001 – hearing that date could lead to remembering such a very devastating incident in America – the 9-11 terrorist attack . The whole world was threatened when New York ’ s World Trade Center was ruined and almost 3,000 innocent lives were taken . And thus , people of the world , most especially the American citizens could never forget what happened on that day .
With what happened , New York decided to put up a memorial and museum reminiscing what happened to the World Trade Center when it was attacked , remembering those innocent
who died by their families , friends and even acquaintances .
The National September 11 Memorial Museum exhibits story of 9 / 11 through multimedia displays , archives , narratives and a collection of monumental and authentic artifacts . And two enormous fountains , designed by architects Michael Arad with landscape architect Peter Walker , mark the footprints of the fallen towers with plunging waterfalls . These are surrounded by bronze parapets , engraved with the names of those lost .
The museum and memorial are located at 20 Vesey St . ( between Church Street and Broadway ) New York , NY 10007 .
Rowena Samson : September 7 , 2013
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