BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 67

SECTOR WIDE BUSINESS SUPPORT • The volume of organic solvents purchased by the industry decreased by 6%, although VOC emissions increased over the year The annual Coatings Care Awards continued with the Progress Award for the site showing most improvement over the previous 12 months going to Firwood Paints in Bolton and the main Coatings Care Award for Overall Best Performer going to Pulse Printing Products. Public Affairs Given the increase in public affairs activity at the BCF over recent years, a Public Affairs Committee was established, holding its inaugural meeting in January 2019. The aim of the Committee is to give BCF members more of a say in the direction of the Federation’s lobbying strategy. • Members were enthusiastic about the group, which Operations Management Group This group is open to all members and comprises works and production managers. Last year the group enjoyed a tour of the Mini plant at Oxford and in March 2019 had a session on digitisation at the Siemens ‘Factory of the Future’. Other topics included in discussions comprised chemical supply issues, apprenticeships, health and safety, customer audits and compliance. • • Publications – Guidance and Info provided a forum for all things public affairs to be discussed, not just Brexit, although this formed part of the meeting agenda It was noted that it would be interesting to do an analysis of cost of compliance for members. This led to a discussion on the link between regulation and enforcement, and that it would be useful to tell the story of consumer safety, and what the industry has done to promote this Poison centres and a level playing field on a global scale were identified as key topics for the future Associate Technical Committee • PaintSafe Leaflet for industrial applicators of isocyanate- • • • • • • based paints and how to avoid exposure PaintSafe Leaflet promoting the safe use of paint and related products and providing best practice for decorators and other applicators during preparation, application and drying of decorative paints Legislation Compliance Register and Timetable keeping member updated with new relevant regulations The safe use of isocyanate-containing paints, updating previous guidance for applicators Work in Confined Spaces DO Preventing Falls from Tankers Storage and Handling of Industrial Nitrocellulose Noise at Work Management of Change Guidance on waste coatings and packaging Coatings Manufacturing Plant: Best Practice Guide on Environmental Protection PLAN YOUR WORK TO AVOID RISKS Health checks • • • • Employers should provide health surveillance for paint sprayers. Biological monitoring may be required. Further information More information is available at the following websites: BCF website - www.coatings.org.uk/Publications/ Health_and_Safety_ Publications.aspx - see ‘The BCF Guide to the Safe Use of Isocyanates,’ HS 024 HSE website - www.hse.gov.uk/mvr/bodyshop/ isocyanates.htm and www.hse.gov.uk/asthma/vehicle. Presentations from four of the BCF team were provided. Ellen Daniels provided a summary of the focus on non-technical issues including Brexit, lobbying, training and the new BCF Apprenticeship Management Service. Trevor Fielding explained how the BCF inform members of substance issues outlining the sources of information and how these were communicated to members. Nine different key substances and materials with current issues were briefly referred to – TiO 2 , isocyanates, BPA, chromates, butyl glycol, MEKO and cobalt, biocides, UV photo-initiators and microplastics. Wayne Smith introduced key regulatory issues including information on nano materials, safety data sheet requirements, SWEDs and SUMIs, endocrine disruptor concerns, poison centres and REACH and polymers, and Ali Brown provided a summary of the benefits of Associate membership. SAFE USE OF ISOCYANATES Training Employees should be instructed about the risks to health arising from exposure to any hazardous substances and informed of the precautions to be taken. They should be trained in the use and care of PPE. The first meeting of this new Committee met in December 2019, with representatives from the raw material supply chain, packaging manufacturers and associate organisations. The objective of the Committee was to provide a “bridge” between Full and Associate members as to what technical and regulatory issues were of the greatest concern to both groups, and to identify any actions the BCF may be able to take to address these issues. Read the safety data sheet and label to determine the hazard Carry out a risk assessment Avoid the use of isocyanate-containing coatings if possible Ensure adequate extraction and filtration by proper design and use of spray rooms, if applied in an installation Check efficiency of any extraction system and know the clearance time for the booth/room Follow correct working practices Use air-fed breathing apparatus when spray applying Keep all bystanders well away from any spraying operation Wear appropriate PPE – RPE, gloves, eye protection, overalls Ensure workers are informed of the hazards of working with isocyanates - that they can cause asthma and dermatitis Ensure all personnel involved in handling isocyanate-containing coatings are trained and fully aware of the risks A best practice guide to ensure the safe use of isocyanate-containing coatings PaintSafe is brought to you by: www.paintsafe.org.uk It was agreed that it would be useful to continue meeting as a group twice a year, the next meeting taking place on 25th June 2019. BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 67