BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 66

SECTOR WIDE BUSINESS SUPPORT Members were kept updated with the proposals to change the classification of various substances under the CLP and REACH Regulations and the revision to GHS. The work of the CEPE REACH Panel and Labelling and Safety Data Sheet Committee was monitored, particularly the work to produce mixture exposure scenarios – the Safe Use of Mixtures Information work. Input was also made to the IPPIC work with the UN GHS and transport committees, including on flammable liquids criteria, the aspiration hazard and the combustibility exemption. The Panel decided to form a new group to address the global management of chemicals, including GHS, labelling and SDS information. This group has started to produce several ‘How to import coatings and ink products into…’ guides. WM3 and changes to EU legislation. The existing BCF guidance on waste coatings and packaging has been updated and re- issued accordingly. Other guidance produced was the Coatings Manufacturing Plant: Best Practice Guide on Environmental Protection. Liaison with Government continued through the Environment Agency’s Chemical Industry Liaison Committee. BCF also assisted the EA in its preparation for the revision to the solvent use Best Available Techniques Reference document and on Medium Combustion Plant emissions. The debate on microplastics continued with data being provided to the EU Commission towards its plans to control the emissions of microplastics to the oceans. Transport and Packaging The Carriage of Dangerous Goods Panel continued to monitor and input to new proposals made to the UN, ADR and IMDG Code committees. In conjunction with CEPE and IPPIC, the BCF obtained a significant change to the rules, to address the problem of long, unnecessary Technical Names for environmentally hazardous paints and inks (UN3077/ UN3082) by allowing certain existing Proper Shipping Names such as Paint or Printing Ink to be used as the Technical Name. A clarification on flashpoint information on transport documents for sea was also secured. BCF continued its liaison with the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency and successfully lobbied the DfT over continuation of certain transport exemptions post-Brexit. Coatings Care Environment The BCF met with the Minister and Defra officials on various occasions to discuss proposals for VOC emissions and to ensure that Defra had the correct emissions data. BCF submitted two consultations towards the Clean Air Strategy and Defra’s proposals on Environmental Principles and Governance. BCF were successful in challenging a number of misapprehensions regarding the level of particulate matter emissions, leading to a reduction by a factor of 10 in the government’s database, relieving pressure on the industry regarding the 2030 targets. The Environment Panel continued its stewardship of all aspects of air emissions, waste and water. The BCF-led industry cross- group revised its assessment tool for the classification of packaging waste, updating to align with the revised EA guidance 66 Coatings Care is the international care and sustainability programme for the coatings industry and the brand for all health, safety and environmental activities. The annual survey of Indicators of Performance is the coatings and ink industry’s flagship benchmarking programme, with over 40 manufacturing sites in the UK taking part each year. Results now go back some 18 years, giving a valuable resource for members and the BCF. The Coatings Care reports for 2017 operations have also been issued to all MDs. Benchmarking reports have been sent to contributors. The key findings were: • The number of injuries decreased significantly • Energy consumption per tonne of production decreased by 3.7% • Waste produced per tonne of production increased; however, the amount sent to landfill decreased with a dramatic increase in the number of companies sending zero to landfill BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20