BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 63

Surfex BCF partnered with Surfex in 2018 for the BCF’s Wayne Smith presents at Surfex UK coatings industry exhibition. The event took place in May at the covered the need for Ricoh Arena in Coventry. importers and downstream The show brings an users placing mixtures on essential focus to surface the market to provide coatings technologies information to appointed and offers attendees bodies/poison centres, using the opportunity to an agreed harmonised format, BCF team at the World Coatings Council discover new ideas, electronically. source information for immediate use in their working environment, and find answer to A new unique formula identifier will have to be put on the label any technical challenges. of products to enable appropriate emergency medical response to be provided. The new Regulation will apply (depending on During Surfex, BCF led a series of industry focused presentations Brexit) to mixtures for consumer use as of 1 January 2020 and with CEO Tom Bowtell presenting on Brexit, Director of for professional and industrial use as of 1 January 2021 and Regulatory Affairs Wayne Smith on TiO 2 and Head of Marketing 1 January 2024, respectively. The workshop also covered the Tania Morrill on careers and training. notification of a formulation via the Central Notification Portal and the European Product Categorisation System. With over 1,100 visitors, Surfex attracted visitors from across IPPIC/World Coatings Council the market including formulating, development and R&D chemists, brand/product managers, buyers, senior company executives, international attendees and students. The International Paint and Printing Inks Council was re-named the World Coatings Council at the annual meeting in Paris in Advanced Engineering Show January 2019. This new name will give the organisation better recognition on the global stage, but the core remit will remain The BCF had a presence at the Advanced Engineering Show the same. The Council also will still represent global issues for (AES) at the NEC in Birmingham, which ran over two days, the printing ink sector at the United Nations. The meeting in from 31st November to 1st October 2018. The AES is the UK’s January had a workshop focussed on sustainability, and a new largest annual gathering of manufacturing OEMs & supply chain project is planned, to look at the UN’s 17 global sustainability professionals with more than 15,000 visitors over two days. goals, and see how coatings can contribute to them. This will be published and used in discussions with the UN, NGOs and other BCF is a regular partner of the AES, as it presents an excellent stakeholders, to show the positive impact our industry has in opportunity to promote the coatings sector to engineering many areas. supply chain professionals. The show also welcomes many students from nearby universities, offering an opportunity to Key global projects for the World Coatings Council in 2019 and promote the coatings sector to the next generation of talent. beyond are: • Anti-microbial/biocides defence Poison Centres Workshop • Contribute to the debate on microplastics in paints and coatings Spectra House was full when the BCF ran a workshop on • Take part in the Responsible Mica initiative the amendment to the EU CLP (classification labelling and • Fight against the TiO 2 classification in Europe packaging) Regulation, Annex VIII, that introduces a new • Support the UN in the Lead Paint Alliance, to get legislation standardised reporting obligation for information related to passed in over 100 countries that still allow lead in emergency health response. decorative paint • Work on global transport/packaging & labelling issues, and The members-only workshop on Poison Centres was presented global standards by Janice Robinson, CEPE and Wayne Smith, BCF. The topics • Support the global marine and antifouling groups BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 63