BCCJ ACUMEN June 2013 | Page 16

Women in Business Summit The next generation of women leaders in business
The ACCJ ’ s Women in Business Committee members

Women in Business Summit The next generation of women leaders in business

By Megan Waters

The Seneca Falls Convention , held in New York in 1848 , was the first conference in the Western world to be organised by women . It sparked the women ’ s movement in the US and could even have inspired the founding of the U . S .– Japan Council ( USJC ) in 2009 .

On 27 May , the council and the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan ( ACCJ ) held a Women in Business Summit at the Tokyo American Club . It was a rare opportunity for representatives from
Japan-based organisations that focus on the advancement of women in business to meet and discuss their tips for success .
The event included two keynote speakers , a panel discussion and buzz session , as well as a training session conducted by Yoshiko Otani , president of Office Otani and a certified trainer for Dale Carnegie Training , and Suzanne Price , BCCJ vice-president and representative director of Price Global .
The government , seemingly supportive of women in business , has seen encouraging moves by Japanese firms , including Hitachi , Ltd ., who recently announced that , by 2020 , they plan to increase the number of women in senior management from 400 to over 1,000 .
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party of Japan have both implemented policies reflecting their aspirations : by 2020 , having women account for 30 % of senior positions in government and the private sector .
In addition , the government of Japan recently established a multi-ministerial panel , comprising the Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of Education , Culture , Sports , Science , and Technology . Within two years , the panel is to set up a new agency that will formulate childcare-related policy .
16 | BCCJ ACUMEN | JUNE 2013