BCCJ ACUMEN June 2013 | Page 15

BCCJ marks its anniversary with special events

65 Years Young

BCCJ marks its anniversary with special events

Thank you to everyone who attended Professor Ian Neary ’ s fascinating talk on Shinzo Abe ’ s return , titled “ A New Dynamism or a New Dead End ”, at the Shangri-La hotel last month .

While Abenomics is still in its early days , the BCCJ wishes it success . Meanwhile , it has certainly sparked fresh global interest in Japan .
Like Abe , the BCCJ has its own three arrows . The remit for our recently elected executive committee is as follows .
• Promote and support business interests of members
• Strengthen UK – Japan business ties
• Attract UK business to Japan ; promote Japanese investment in the UK
At the first official meeting of the newly elected executive committee , I was struck by its energy and enthusiasm to raise the bar . I ’ m sure they will do an excellent job .
Among the benefits we provide our members are the high-value events we host . They offer opportunities to network at senior levels with UK and Japanese organisations and individuals .
I ’ m very much looking forward to hearing more about Central Japan Railway Company ’ s global ambition from Chairman Yoshiyuki Kasai at our 18 June event , “ Running a Railway — From Central Japan to the World ”.
Looking further ahead , the annual British Business Awards ( BBA ) is another opportunity to strengthen and celebrate ties between the UK and Japan .
This year , the chamber marks its 65th anniversary , an event we will celebrate on the night of the awards , in the Mandarin Oriental Tokyo ’ s Grand Ballroom . Please mark Friday , 1 November , in your diary .
The awards night will showcase British excellence across all industry sectors , while guests will be treated to a special performance by Japanese-born British
violinist and songwriter Diana Yukawa . Nominations for awards can be made commencing in July .
As well as a great night out , the annual BBA night provides members with an opportunity to entertain clients and colleagues , as well as to support and share members ’ achievements .
But , throughout the remainder of the year , there will be plenty of other events that you may like to join . I encourage you to visit our website for the latest information on these .
I look forward to seeing you soon !
www . bccjapan . com
Alison Jambert BCCJ President @ BCCJ _ President

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