Closing Ceremony
BBGs around the world use the following ritual to close
chapter, council, regional and International business
N’siah: (Rises and raps gavel three times, signaling all
to rise) Now that our business has ended, it is our hope
that we have carried on our deliberations in a manner
befitting the great organization of which we are a part.
Let us leave now with free and joyous hearts and with
minds that are filled with the thought of deeds that are
pure and noble. Will the Shomeret Ha-brit please read the
closing prayer.
(Shomeret Ha-brit rises and reads appropriate passage,
quote, poem, etc.)
N’siah: I now declare this meeting officially adjourned.
Let us join hands in a friendship circle and sing our
International BBG song.
Good and Welfare
It is customary to end meetings with Good and Welfare. This is a time for each BBG to speak her mind
without being criticized or interrupted. This builds a
sense of trust and confidence among sister B’nai B’rith
Girls. Each girl begins by saying “For the good and
welfare of (chapter name)...”
There are more specialized ceremonies used in BBG
that are not included in this book. The rituals for the
induction of new members, the installation of officers
and other ceremonies can be obtained through
your regional office or on the BBYO website.