Opening Ceremony
BBGs around the world use the following ritual to close
chapter, council, regional and International business
N’siah: (Rises and raps gavel three times, signaling all to
rise) We are gathered here for the purpose of accomplishing
our business at hand. But, more than that, we, and all the
chapters in the world like ours, are working toward a great
goal. This is a goal toward which each of us can help; a goal
towards peace and happiness for all humanity. This can
be accomplished through the Menorah Pledge Principles.
Let us now think of what we can do to bring our goal to a
speedier realization. Let us give our wholehearted attention
to the words our Shomeret Ha-brit shall now read.
(Shomeret Ha-brit rises and reads appropriate passage,
quote, poem, etc.)
All: We are the B’nai B’rith Girls. Strength and dignity are
our clothing. (Proverbs 31:25)
N’siah: Our faith is renewed after hearing such fine
words of wisdom. May we in our deliberations at this
meeting live up to the expectations and the high ideals
we in the B’nai B’rith Girls have set for ourselves. I now
declare this meeting officially open for business. (Raps
gavel once, signaling all to sit.)
N’siah: The light of the menorah symbolizes the knowledge
and strength of our Order. The seven branches represent
the power we have to affect our world by enriching
ourselves. (Calls upon 8 girls to read the Menorah Pledge,
which can be found on the inside back cover of this manual,
and the Prayer for World Jewry.Each girl lights a candle of
the menorah after she reads her section.)
After the Prayer for World Jewry is said:
N’siah: Please join me in the recognition of Israel with the
singing of HaTikvah.