Battlefield Chronicles 1 | Page 7

A7 • GAMES THE BATTLEFIELD CHRONICLES • FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2013 QUIZZES QUIZZES Abraham quiz Noah’s ark quiz BIBLEQUIZZES.ORG Used with permission BIBLEQUIZZES.ORG Used with permission 1: Where was Abraham born? □ A. Jerusalem □ B. Haran □ C. Ur □ D. Shechem 5: Which land was promised to Abram? □ A. Egypt □ B. Mesopotamia □ C. Edom □ D. Canaan 1: What was the ark made from? □ A. Oak wood □ B. Pine wood □ C. Gopher wood □ D. Plastic 2: What does Abram mean? □ A. Father of rain □ B. Father of height □ C. Father of a herd □ D. Father of force 6: What happened to the land? □ A. A flood □ B. Abram went lame □ C. A famine □ D. Abram was attacked 2: Who was Noah’s father? □ A. Lamech □ B. Seth □ C. Methuselah □ D. Ham 3: Who was Abram’s father? □ A. Lot □ B. Nahor □ C. Haran □ D. Terach 7: What relation to Abram was Lot? □ A. His brother □ B. His uncle □ C. His son □ D. His nephew 3: How many people were saved in the ark? □ A. Five □ B. Six □ C. Seven □ D. Eight 4: Who did Abram marry? □ A. Sarai □ B. Sarah □ C. Milcah □ D. Iscah 8: What did Abram do when Lot was made a prisoner of war? □ A. Prayed □ B. Paid a ransom □ C. Fought to save him 4: How old was Noah when the floods came? □ A. 87 □ B. 120 □ C. 345 □ D. 600 5: On which mountain did the ark come to rest? □ A. Sinai □ B. Horeb □ C. Carmel □ D. Ararat GAMES Abraham crossword BIBLEQUIZZES.ORG Used with permission 1 7: How many times did Noah send out the dove? □ A. One □ B. Two □ C. Three □ D. Four 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 10: What was the covenant between God and Noah? □ A. Never to flood earth again □ B. Never to destroy all living creatures again □ C. Promise to make Noah a fruitful nation □ D. Promise that Noah would have lots of children 12 14 15 Across 2. First wife 3. First wife’s original name 6. Wife’s handmaiden 9. A nephew 11. A daughter in law 14. Abraham’s original name 15. King of Philistines 8: What did the dove bring back to Noah? □ A. Olive leaf □ B. Fig leaf □ C. Twig □ D. Flower 9: What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark? □ A. House □ B. Stable □ C. Tabernacle □ D. Altar 8 9 6: How many days and nights did it rain? □ A. 24 □ B. 40 □ C. 48 □ D. 50 11: What were people not allowed to eat after the flood? □ A. Fat □ B. Herbs □ C.